Canine AcuTouch


Using gentle movements in a specific pattern (Canine Bowen), while working along the energy and nerve pathways (Acu Points), addressing pain and constriction in every muscle, tendon, and ligament of the body (Trigger Points), CANINE ACUTOUCH accesses all three therapies in a single touch.


Now, more than ever, veterinary providers are recognizing that complementary therapies are a valuable adjunct to traditional care - knowing that the best case scenario is to have a synergistic connection with your veterinarian, your holistic practitioner, and your best friend...Because, what could be better than a PACK like that!

- Barbara Ahern



Dysplasia / Gait Issues

Stress / Fear / Anxiety

Stiffness / Back Problems

Seizures / Tremors / Spasm

Allergies / Skin conditions

Muscle Strains / Sprains

Immune System Support

Physical / Emotional Trauma

Focus / Agility / Stamina

Dementia / Pain Management